Christmas Advent : December 7, 2024
Prepare Him Room is an invitation to intentionally create space to seek Jesus during the holiday rush. We gathered to embrace the true meaning of Christmas through worship, fellowship, and brunch as well as listening to the testimony of Jennifer Rothschild and what Emmanuel, ‘He is with us’, really captures.

In Every Season : Oct 4-6, 2024
In every season, God has a plan and a purpose. In every season, you don’t have to go through it alone. Several ladies headed to the Santa Cruz Mountains at Redwood Glen for a chance to get away and connect with God and each other, in meaningful ways, as we acknowledged and celebrated the Father’s heart for us in every season!

Christmas Advent : December 2, 2023
Prepare Him Room this Advent, and intentionally seek Jesus amidst the season. We celebrated the birth of our Savior by diving into the Christmas Story's historical and cultural context with Kristi McLelland and worshipped our King to embrace the true meaning of Christmas.

BLOOM: APR 29, 2023
We have all been planted into different places and circumstances in our lives. Our Summers can either look chaotic, with so many overwhelming plans, or lonely, with not much to do. It’s up to us to confide in the Lord and take the next steps of being in community and in His Word!

SOUPS & STORIES : JAN 21, 2023
Be amazed by God’s work in our lives and those around us! What better way to be encouraged and strengthened than to listen to the testimonies of baptisms and connections of other women. And all with a warm bowl of soup to go with it!

It’s hard to find out what and where God has designed you to be, and even harder to find the people you are to spiritually grow alongside with. By initiating conversations and getting connected into community, you can be grounded in God’s plans for your life and be motivated by other sisters in Christ!